Those who criticize defence expenditure, did nothing towards peace -Douglas Devananda
Speaking in the Parliament yesterday (2007-11-19) at the Budget debate the leader of the Eelam People's Democratic Party (EPDP) and Minister of Social Welfare, Douglas Devananda said that those who have criticised the defence expenditure have done nothing towards finding a peaceful resolution to the conflict.
"They are in fact supporting the terrorism of LTTE leader Prabhakaran. They have become agents of the LTTE. They are criticising without offering any remedy to the issue. The MPs who have become agents of the LTTE have in fact declared war against the Government," he said.
Recollecting the history of the government's response to innumerable acts of provocation by the LTTE, the minister said "the LTTE created an environment that pushed the Government towards war. They engaged in activities to provoke Security Forces and the Police who were maintaining law and order. The LTTE unilaterally unleashed violations against the Security Forces." Minister observed that over 6,000 ceasefire violations have been committed against the Security Forces by the LTTE. "It was the expectation of the LTTE that Mahinda Rajapaksa would declare war after becoming the President. But instead of doing that President extended his hands of peace to the LTTE. Without war there is no existence for the LTTE leader Prabhakaran," the Minister added.
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